Do you know an Everyday Hero?

Pueblo’s future is in your hands. You can be an everyday hero!

In life, everyone experiences varying levels of challenges and resilience is the ability to bounce back from those challenges. There are several elements that can be predictors of resilience. One, is luck: an individual's life may unfold in a way that they have less obstacles, less stress, and fewer environmental threats.  Another element is psychological: resilient children may “meet the world on their own terms.” They are autonomous and independent, and innately, they believe that they, and not their circumstances, affect their achievements. However, even some resilient children may experience multiple strong stressors at vulnerable points and are overwhelmed until their resilience just evaporates.  As a community, we can cushion the impact of adversity in a child’s life and grow resilience through positive experiences, supportive environments and the caring intervention of others.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are risk factors that may put youth at higher risk for maladaptive behaviors such as substance use and delinquency compared to youth for whom those risk factors are not present. 

Protective factors are the opposite of ACEs.  They are the skills, strengths or resources that help shield individuals from the development of undesirable health conditions and enhance their capacity to cope. For example, adequate sleep is an important element in protecting someone against symptoms of mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.  The single strongest protective factor in helping children succeed despite adversity is having a supportive, stable relationship with at least one caring adult.  

While parents and caregivers may not have the capacity or be the most appropriate adult to provide a nurturing relationship to children with ACEs, YOU can be that person. 

Not a superhero… an everyday hero

You Can Be a Pueblo Everyday Hero!


Teachers, Coaches & Mentors

Teachers, Coaches and Mentors, you are Pueblo’s Everyday Heroes. Engage, encourage and empower youth by being an example and turning everyday moments into teachable moments.

Older Adults

The children of today need the wisdom of your experience. Take the time to talk, your stories can inspire them. Remember, everyone is someone's grandchild.

General Community

Treating others with kindness and respect can make you a hero. Show young people how important it is to work through conflict respectfully.



When you actively engage with your children and their friends, you encourage and empower them to overcome challenges and make healthy, responsible choices to succeed in life wherever they may be.

Business Community

As a business leader, you can empower Pueblo’s youth and their future goals by supporting our children’s ideas, modeling strong work ethics, and by mentoring youth in your business.


Talking about, and including youth around you in your faith can help them gain an understanding of themselves, the world around them, and God’s purpose for their lives.